Hernia Treatment in Nashik

Hearnia Treatment in Nashik


  1. A hernia occurs when an internal part of the body, such as an organ or any fatty tissue, pushes or spills out through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or tissue wall. There are many types of hernias.

    Are you sufferring from hernia disease? Meet Dr. Jaideep Somvanshi at Panacea Clinic. He provides a best hernia treatment in Nashik. He treated many patients related to hernia disease.

    The most common types of hernia include:


    1. Inguinal hernia (inner groin): This is the most common type of hernia, especially among men, and occurs when the intestines push through a weak spot or tear in the lower abdominal wall, often in the inguinal canal. This type of hernia is associated with ageing and occurs if the abdomen is repeatedly strained thus requiring a proper treatment from a hernia surgeon in Nashik.


    In men, the inguinal canal area is where the spermatic cord passes from the abdomen to the scrotum. This cord holds up the testicles.

    In women, the inguinal canal contains a ligament that holds the uterus in position.


    1. Incisional hernia (hernia caused by an incision): Some people who have had abdominal surgery may develop this condition. The intestines may push through the incision scar or the surrounding, weak tissue.


    1. Femoral hernia (outer groin), umbilical (belly button): This condition tends to occur more in women than men. It occurs when fatty tissue or a part of your bowel spills through into your groin at the top of your inner thigh. Like inguinal hernia, this type of hernia is associated with ageing and occurs due to repeated strain on the abdomen.
    2. Hiatal hernia (upper stomach): This condition happens when a portion of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. It is most common in people over 50 years. Hiatal hernias can cause gastroesophageal reflux, which is when the stomach contents leak back into the oesophagus, causing a burning sensation in the heart.
    3. Umbilical hernia: This type of hernia occurs when fatty tissue or a part of the bowel pokes through the abdomen near the belly button.


    This condition can occur in infants if the opening in the abdomen through which the umbilical cord passes does not seal properly after birth. Adults are affected by this condition if there is repeated strain on the abdomen.

    Epigastric hernias, Spigelian hernias, and diaphragmatic hernias, as well as muscle hernias, are some of the less common forms of hernias.



    1. Pain or discomfort in the affected region (usually the lower abdomen), particularly when bent over, coughing, or lifting weakness, pressure, or a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen are all common symptoms of an inguinal hernia.
    2. A stinging, gurgling, or aching sensation at the bulge's location
    3. Acid reflux, which occurs when stomach acid travels back towards the oesophagus and causes a burning sensation, is another symptom of a hiatal hernia.
    4. Chest discomfort
    5. Swallowing problems


    Hernias may be asymptomatic in some cases. You do not realise you have a hernia until it is discovered during a regular physical or medical test for some reason.



    The following are some of the most common causes of muscle weakness that can lead to a hernia:


    1. A congenital defect is the inability of the abdominal wall to close properly in the womb.
    2. Advanced age
    3. Chronic coughing 
    4. Injury or surgery-related damage


    Factors that can cause a hernia in your body, particularly if your muscles are weak, include:

    1. Being pregnant, which causes abdominal pressure
    2. Surgery that can weaken muscles
    3. Fluid in the abdominal cavity
    4. Being constipated, causing you to strain while having a bowel movement
    5. Exercising with high weights
    6. Obesity or a rapid increase in weight
    7. Coughing or sneezing regularly




    Inguinal or incisional hernias are usually diagnosed through a physical examination. Your doctor may feel for a bulge in your abdomen or groin that gets larger when you stand, cough, or strain.


    If you have a hiatal hernia, your doctor may diagnose it with a barium X-ray or endoscopy.

    A barium X-ray is a series of X-ray pictures of your digestive tract. The pictures are recorded after you’ve finished drinking a liquid solution containing barium, which shows up well on the X-ray images.


    An endoscopy involves threading a small camera attached to a tube down your throat and into your oesophagus and stomach.


    Both of these tests allow your doctor to see where your stomach is internally located.

    An ultrasound can be performed if your child has an umbilical hernia. Ultrasound creates an impression of the structures within the body using high-frequency sound waves.


    Hernia Treatment in Nashik:

    The size of your hernia and the severity of your symptoms will determine whether or not you need treatment from a hernia surgeon in Nashik. Your doctor may simply keep an eye on your hernia to see if it develops any complications. A hernia may be treated with lifestyle changes, medication, or surgery.


    Lifestyle changes:

    Dietary changes can help with the symptoms of a hiatal hernia, but they won't cure it. Avoid eating big or heavy meals, don't lay down or lean over after eating, and maintain healthy body weight.


    Certain exercises can help reinforce the muscles around the hernia, which can help alleviate certain symptoms. Exercises performed incorrectly, on the other hand, may increase pressure in that region, potentially causing the hernia to bulge even further. It's best to talk to your doctor or physical therapist about which activities to do and which to avoid.


    If these changes don't relieve the pain, you can need surgery to repair your hernia. Avoid foods that induce acid reflux or heartburn, such as spicy foods and tomato-based foods, to help alleviate symptoms. You can also prevent acid reflux by losing weight and quitting smoking.



    Over-the-counter and prescription drugs that minimise stomach acid can help alleviate pain and improve symptoms if you have a hiatal hernia. Antacids, H-2 receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors for instances.



    If your hernia is growing bigger or causing you pain, a hernia surgeon can recommend surgery. During surgery, your doctor can sew the hole in your abdominal wall closed to repair your hernia. The most popular method is to use surgical mesh to cover the hole.

We use a novel hernia treatment technique called 3D hernia repair for umbilical and inguinal hernias, and pre-peritoneal Octomesh repair for large ventral hernias at Panacea Clinic.Dr. John Murphy, an ex-president of the American Hernia Society, invented this new technique. It's a tension-free hernia repair in which the mesh isn't stitched inside and thereby avoids the problems that come with a traditional hernia repair.